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Extech FLIR Ignite™

Update Terakhir
13 / 03 / 2024
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


Contact :
Marketing : Bpk Juni / 08111980702
Marketing : Ibu Pera / 085210207070
Telp : 021 - 42803207
Fax : 021 - 42803208
email : [email protected]

Suplier alat-alat laboratorium & Intrument untuk berbagai keperluan alat-alat laboratorium Microbiology, Chemical and Reagent, Equipment, Medical dan Glassware.

Detail Extech FLIR Ignite™

Alat Laboratorium Mikrobiologi

Deskripsi produk
Cloud Service

FLIR Ignite™
Spesifikasi FLIR Ignite™:

Access and Edit Your Images - Anywhere, Anytime

FLIR Ignite is a secure cloud storage solution that gives you a seamless experience to directly upload, edit, organize, store, and share images and videos from select FLIR thermal cameras*. Stop wasting time copying images to other devices or backing up data with a USB cable. With FLIR Ignite, your images will automatically upload from your thermal camera to your Ignite account, allowing you to access files from a computer or mobile device whenever you need to. Edit thermal images while in the field and move files into custom folders to stay organized, then share findings with co-workers and clients using a password-protected link. You can even sync files to your computer for advanced analysis and reporting in FLIR Thermal Studio or another reporting software of choice.

*Automatic upload feature currently works with select FLIR cameras: T5xx-Series, T8xx-Series, Exx-Series, FLIR ONE-Series, GF77, and Cx-Series

Now available in 3 storage capacities: 1000 GB, 100 GB, or 1 GB

DIRECT UPLOADSend images taken from select FLIR thermal cameras* directly to the FLIR Ignite cloud and into preferred folders.
STAY ORGANIZEDEasily edit, rename, move, copy, store, and back up images from the field using the Ignite web app.
SHARE INSIGHTSCreate simple reports directly in Ignite or advanced reports in FLIR Thermal Studio, and securely share the results with colleagues and clients.

Hubungi :

Juni Tarigan (Mr.)

0811 198 0702

Pera (Ms.)

0811 3801 0819




Jl. Sumur Batu No. 1, Kemayoran

Jakarta Pusat - Indonesia 10640

Telp : +6221-42803207, 4227517

Fax : +6221-42803208

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