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  • PERKIN ELMER PinAAcle 900F Atomic Absorption Spectrometer

PERKIN ELMER PinAAcle 900F Atomic Absorption Spectrometer

Update Terakhir
17 / 04 / 2024
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


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Detail PERKIN ELMER PinAAcle 900F Atomic Absorption Spectrometer

Alat Laboratorium Mikrobiologi

Deskripsi produk
PinAAcle 900F Atomic Absorption Spectrometer

For laboratories needing a high-performance flame atomic absorption (AA) spectrometer, the PinAAcle™ 900F is a flame-only system with a true double-beam design for fast start-up and exceptional long-term stability.

Part Number PINAACLE900F


It features cutting-edge fiber optics to maximize light throughput for improved detection limits, as well as an eight-lamp mount, and automated flame and burner assembly optimization for enhanced productivity.

The PinAAcle 900F is controlled by the new Syngistix™ for AA Software, a workflow-based software designed to speed and simplify the journey from sample to results across a wide range of atomic absorption techniques.

21 CFR Part 11 Compatible
64.0 cm
Model Name
PinAAcle 900F
Product Brand Name
1 Year
94.0 kg
95.0 cm
Application Note
Analysis of Micronutrients in Fruit Juice Using FAST Flame Sample Automation for Increased Sample Throughput

Consumers select fruit juice because it is a tasty, convenient beverage and generally understood to be a more nutritious alternative to carbonated beverages. For 100% juice products, the nutrition content of the original fruit itself is well known, which translates to the expected nutritional value of the final juice product. Detailed labeling is required on food products; for consumers, any comparative variance can be a strong incentive to choose one product over another. In an effort to appeal to consumers and address market needs, many juice products may also be fortified with micronutrients to boost or add to what is already present naturally.

While ICP-OES is generally favored as a multi-element analytical method, the cost savings, simplicity and speed of operation of flame atomic absorption (AA) provides an attractive alternative. This work demonstrates the ability of the PinAAcle™ 900 AA with a FAST Flame sample automation accessory to rapidly and accurately measure nutritional elements in fruit juices.

Analysis of Micronutrients in Milk by Flame Atomic Absorption Using FAST Flame Sample Automation for Increased Sample Throughput

Milk is an important source of nutrients, mainly for children. Because of its importance, milk is available in several different forms, most commonly as fresh, but it is also available in nonperishable forms (such as powdered and evaporated). Therefore, the requirement exists to analyze several forms of milk for nutritional elements. While ICP-OES is generally favored in a multi-element analytical environment, the cost savings, simplicity and speed of operation of a flame atomic absorption (AA) system provide an attractive alternative. Measuring multiple elements by flame AA requires each sample to be analyzed individually for each element, which impacts the speed advantage of flame AA – however, to address the speed issue, a fast, high-throughput sample automation system can be used.

This work demonstrates the ability of the PinAAcle™ 900 AA spectrometer to reliably and effectively analyze common nutritional elements in a variety of milks over a wide range of concentrations. Coupling the PinAAcle 900 with the FAST Flame 2 sample automation accessory minimizes user error when performing dilutions and making calibration standards increases throughput and provides excellent long-term stability, increasing productivity for the laboratory.

Hubungi :

Juni Tarigan (Mr.)

0811 198 0702

Pera (Ms.)

0811 3801 0819




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