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  • PLTconnect software, for PLT unit software office

PLTconnect Software, For PLT Unit Software Office

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


Contact :
Marketing : Bpk Juni / 08111980702
Marketing : Ibu Pera / 085210207070
Telp : 021 - 42803207
Fax : 021 - 42803208
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Suplier alat-alat laboratorium & Intrument untuk berbagai keperluan alat-alat laboratorium Microbiology, Chemical and Reagent, Equipment, Medical dan Glassware.

Detail PLTconnect Software, For PLT Unit Software Office

PLTconnect software, for PLT unit

The PLTconnect software gives you the additional security of knowing all your test results are documented at all times. PLTconnect transmits test results for each pipette automatically and securely through the USB port on the PC, storing them there in a database or as a test certificate. This means you always have access to test results for your pipettes, and can print out certificates as needed

The PLTconnect software gives you the additional security of knowing all your test results are documented at all times. PLTconnect transmits test results for each pipette automatically and securely through the USB port on the PC, storing them there in a database or as a test certificate. This means you always have access to test results for your pipettes, and can print out certificates as needed

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