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  • Signal Calibrators: DPC-2000

Signal Calibrators: DPC-2000

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian


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Suplier alat-alat laboratorium & Intrument untuk berbagai keperluan alat-alat laboratorium Microbiology, Chemical and Reagent, Equipment, Medical dan Glassware.

Detail Signal Calibrators: DPC-2000

Measure & Simulate: 13 Types of T/ Cs J, K, T, E, R, S, B, C, XK, BP, L, U, & N Measure & Simulate: 13 Types of RTDs Ni120, ( 3x) Pt100, Pt200, Pt500, Pt1000 Cu10, Cu50, Cu100, YSI400, ( 2x) Pt385 Highest accuracy in class to 0.015% of reading Built-in 250 Ohm resistor is provided for HART™ compatibility Isolate mA/ V read-back circuit for complete transmitter calibration Built-in 24V supply can drive 4-20mA loops up to 1000 Ohms Store up to 21 data points per instrument, and up to 50 instruments in non-volatile memory Capture both AS Found & AS Left data Upload data to PC for analysis with Microsoft Excel or full database Pressure module communication port compatible with 29 pressure modules NIST Calibration Certification Included
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