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SL1000 Portable Parallel Analyzer™ (PPA)

Update Terakhir
20 / 04 / 2021
Min. Pembelian
1 Buah


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Marketing : Bpk Juni / 08111980702
Marketing : Ibu Pera / 085210207070
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email : [email protected]

Suplier alat-alat laboratorium & Intrument untuk berbagai keperluan alat-alat laboratorium Microbiology, Chemical and Reagent, Equipment, Medical dan Glassware.

Detail SL1000 Portable Parallel Analyzer™ (PPA)

multiparameter Water Quality meter Testing. Dramatically Streamlined.

The Hach SL1000 Portable Parallel Analyzer (PPA) performs the same tests with less than half the manual steps. Get highly accurate results, with less opportunity for errors, in a fraction of the time. Up to six parameters, tested simultaneously.

  • Faster Testing
  • Less Variability
  • Less Hassle
  • Patented Chemkey®
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